Social Islami Bank Limited Job Circular 2022
Social Islami Bank Limited Job Circular 2022. As an Islamic bank, Social Islamic Bank Limited is aware of its social responsibility and always strives to participate in the social work of the country. The bank has a dedicated CSR desk aimed at serving humanity through a variety of charitable activities, with an emphasis on health, education, disaster management, rehabilitation, poverty alleviation and more. The Bank believes that any kind of social and public welfare activities will improve the living standards of the disadvantaged in the country. SIBL pioneered CSR activities in the country. Its activities range from personal suffering to institutional welfare. It spends a significant amount every year on the welfare of the community. SIBL is always looking for new areas where it can provide the support it needs. SIBL carries life-saving materials in any humanitarian crisis in case of flood.
Honesty means behavioral excellence influenced by morality and honesty and adherence to time-tested rules, values, customs and principles of society. At the individual level, it means being dutiful and honest. The overall objective of the National Integrity Strategy (NIS) is to provide a system of governance that builds trust among citizens. The government’s vision for the country, like NIS, is ‘a happy and prosperous golden Bengal’. To that end, the government is committed to implementing the NIS to achieve the goal of ‘establishing good governance in state institutions and society’. NIS is a tool to increase integrity and eliminate corruption within the organization. Improved integrity and ethics, policies and practices among the people are now seen as a vehicle to address and correct the crisis of integrity of institutions. Working together for a caring society. Social Islami Bank Limited Job Circular 2022.
Social Islami Bank Limited Job Circular 2022
- Qualification: See circular
- Salary: See circular
- Vacancy: See circular
- Deadline: See below
Deadline: 28 February 2022
SIBL New Recruitment 2022
Establish banking model in three sectors. Transformation into a for-profit service-driven technology. Fast, accurate and satisfactory customer service. Strategies for balanced and sustainable growth. Equity is the best return for shareholders. Introducing innovative Islamic banking products. Attract and retain high quality human resources. Empowering real poor families and creating local income opportunities. Provide support to social welfare organizations through fundraising and social services. Integrity is determined by the scriptures that we hold to this standard in all our services. Transparency in all things is a quality that builds trust – we adhere to it.
Performance means perfection in any work – we try to give full satisfaction in it. Accountability must be held accountable and above all doubt – we are dutiful there. SIBL promotes economic well-being in the joy of religious morality. Our minds and eyes are open to improve the quality of life to innovate more benefits for service recipients. Flexibility leads to better understanding and greater satisfaction – we follow standards. Customers must feel safe with all our products and services – we continue to make sure. Modern life relies on technology – we look for the latest developments to provide the best in the comfort of our clients. job paper bd com.
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