Jagoroni Chakra Foundation Job Circular 2022 (JCF)
Jagoroni Chakra Foundation job circular 2022 published recently. Besides in our country, this organization does different kinds of work with various man. It has many responsibility. Then it is responsible for our country to do many important things. Even the JCF Institute is a good institution in Bangladesh. The value of the work here is also considerable. So those of you interested can apply for this job. The quality of the job is also good enough. You can apply in it easily. jagoroni Chakra Foundation job circular 2022
Jagoroni Chakra Foundation established in 1986 as a national social welfare company in the south-western region of Bangladesh. Over the years, the Jagarani Chakra Foundation built a reputation as an organization. That is committed to addressing the needs of the underprivileged and vulnerable people, focusing on their social and economic development. See here en.bdjobsedu.com.
Sports and cultural competition of Jagarani Chakra Foundation, a private development organization held. Then the day-long competition held at the Singra JCF office premises in Shalikha upazila of Magura on Wednesday. But 90 students from six educational institutions of the upazila took part in the competition of country song, poetry recitation, present speech, painting and storytelling. Later, Upazila Secondary Education Officer Shahjahan Ali handed over prizes, crests and certificates among the winners.
Even among others present were social worker Shankar Kumar Biswas, principal of Saraswati Sikder Girls School and College Kumudranjan Biswas, general secretary of Dhaneshwargati Union Parishad Awami League Rabiul Islam, Shalikha Area Manager of Jagrani Chakra Foundation Abdus Sabur and others. So the Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) provided financial support for the event. jagoroni Chakra Foundation job circular 2022 image see below.
Jagoroni Chakra Foundation Job Circular 2022
- Deadline: 15 December 2022
- Vacancy: See the circular

As JCF established in 1976 as a national social welfare organization in the south-western region of Bangladesh. Over the years, the Jagarani Chakra Foundation has a reputation as an organization that focuses on their social and economic development. Then it is committed to addressing the needs of the community’s backward and vulnerable people.
JCF Job Circular 2022
- Deadline: 15 December 2022
- Vacancy: See the circular
- Online Apply now
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Jagoroni Job Circular 2022
The Jagarani Chakra Foundation from the beginning gives only existing benefits to many existing development policies. Although it is not possible to solve all the problems faced by the community, it is felt that people can identify their own priorities and plan strategies which will lead to possible solutions. Then the Awakening Cycle Foundation Education is key to social change, and the pace of development will not accelerate the creation of self-awareness. Visit more in chakrir kbr.
Then the Awakening Cycle Foundation has only one vision socially. But economically sustainable and environmentally balanced communities, dignity and security where people have overcome poverty and lived. Then the Jagarani Chakra Foundation builds their confidence based on the needs and potential of the poorest, poorest and most disadvantaged communities by continuing to work on potential local. So regional and national programs and building resource sharing and developing, controlling and finding them. So sustain greater prosperity and their lives to improve material condition.
Now the Jagarani Chakra Foundation aims to support the construction of socio-economic equity through the promotion of poverty alleviation and sustainable community-based human organizations.
- Human Institution Development, capacity building and sustainability
- Ensure basic quality education for children in poor & disadvantaged communities.
- help disadvantaged & vulnerable children develop, through education, training and guidance in life skills.
- reach a greater number of people whose poverty and vulnerability can be reduced through community based institutions.
- so that they become part of a skilled workforce and responsible members of society.
Jagoroni NGO Job Apply 2022
- develop the technical capacity of community people to improve their livelihood. To develop systems for generating and mobilizing local resources to raise the income of the poor.
- increase the use of environmentally friendly inputs and equipment in agriculture to control and reduce environmental pollution.
- facilitate a way for people and their institutions to take responsibility for community health and ensure access to existing public health services.
- Develop the capacity to respond to the community people during any natural disaster
So huge number of people want to like to work in private sector. Now this job circular has been created a huge chance to unemployed people, who are interested in private department. It’s an attractive job circular in 2021. So get Jagorani Chakra Foundation (JCF) Job Circular 2021 related information. you can visit our website chakrir kbr.
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