British Hi Commission Job Circular 2022
British Hi Commission Job Circular 2022. A British High Commission is a British diplomatic mission, equivalent to an embassy, found in the member countries of the Commonwealth of Nations. Their general purpose is to provide diplomatic relations between the Commonwealth States as well as travel information, passports, dual-citizenship information and other services. While some Commonwealth countries do not represent other Commonwealth countries, the British High Commission may in some cases assist citizens of such Commonwealth countries. Some countries that were outside the Commonwealth, but have now returned to Commonwealth membership, have replaced their embassies and ambassadors with High Commissions and High Commissioners. The British Embassy and the High Commission together form the “diplomatic mission” of the United Kingdom abroad.
The role of the UK diplomatic mission is to act as a channel of communication between the British government and the host country, acting as the UK’s official representative (in general, and in the case of specific government agencies with local interests) in that country, and promoting the interests of the UK and its citizens. Diplomatic missions also sent to international organizations and conferences with similar roles. Embassies are diplomatic missions sent to non-Commonwealth countries. The High Commission is a diplomatic mission sent to Commonwealth countries. In an embassy, the “head of mission” called the ambassador. In the High Commission, the head of the mission called the High Commissioner. As well as referring to diplomatic missions, the terms “embassy” and “high commission” refer to the buildings where those missions based. British Hi Commission Job Circular 2022.
British Hi Commission Job Circular 2022
- Qualification: See circular
- Experience: See circular
- Vacancy: See circular
- Deadline: See below

Deadline: 13 March 2022
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BHC Recruitment 2022
In order to carry out their work, diplomatic missions must have a strong understanding of the politics, society and culture of the host country. They must be able to interpret British policies, identify potential threats and opportunities to British interests, and provide political and economic analysis of local conditions for decision making at home. Much of the day-to-day work carried out by diplomatic missions involves the promotion of trade interests in the United Kingdom. The location and functioning of diplomatic missions governed by the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Under Article 31 of the Convention, members of diplomatic missions are criminals and exempt from many parts of the civil law of the host country. Article 22 prohibits agents of the host country from entering diplomatic positions without the permission of the Head of Mission. chech in job paper bd.
One of the functions of a diplomatic mission is to look after the interests. British citizens in their host country. This task performed by the “consular section” of the mission, which usually headed by a consul-general. Consular posts are located in the capital city of the host country (usually at the embassy or high commission). In other large cities as well. Depending on whether the post conducted by a Consul-General, Consul, Vice-Consul or Consular Agent. They known as Consulate-General, Consulate, Vice-Consulate and Consular Agency, respectively. General consular duties performed by the Consular Post include the issuance of passports and emergency documents; Birth and death registration; Handling child abduction and forced marriage cases; And assisting British detainees who fallen ill or been victims of crime. Their activities governed by the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations.
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