Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Job Circular 2022
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Job circular 2022. The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) is acting as the national statistics agency of the country. Welcome to the official website of Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. This website is an exhibition of the current functions and data storage of the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. Browse through pages and links to find the information you want. Recognizing the importance of statistics in formulating proper planning, development and monitoring of progress in Bangladesh after the independence struggle of 1971, as a result of the far-sighted thinking of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his direction in August 1974, 4 statistics offices under different ministries. Bureau, Agricultural Bureau of Agriculture Statistics under the Ministry of Agriculture and Agricultural Census Commission and Census Commission under the Ministry of Home Affairs) merged to form the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics.
The main function of BBS is to collect, edit, analyze and publish data of economic sectors for adopting development plan of the country, conducting research activities, policy making, etc. The Bureau is also responsible for conducting national level survey work on labor force, demographic status, agriculture, household income and expenditure, etc. The BBS consists of seven functional branches: 1) population, demography and birth and death registration system; 2) industry, trade, labor statistics and national income; 3) agricultural statistics; 4) industrial statistics; 5) research, training and sample survey; 6) Computer, Data Processing and Statistics Map Drawing and 6) Preservation, Publication and Copying of Documents.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics Job Circular 2022
- Qualification: See circular
- Salary: See circular
- Vacancy: 714
- Online apply see below

Online apply
Deadline: 10 February 2022
বাংলাদেশ পরিসংখ্যান ব্যুরো চাকরির বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২২
Each of the aforesaid branches consists of a director and other officers and employees. To achieve the aims and objectives of the Bureau, BBS Statistics Offices opened in every former District Headquarters. In every Thana or Upazila Headquarters of the country. Chief Regional Statistics Officer of the District Statistics Office. Who coordinates and supervises field level activities in the Thana or Upazila Statistics Office under him. He also conducted various sample surveys. At present there are 23 District Statistics Offices and 460 Thana or Upazila Statistics Offices across the country. Thana or Upazila Statistics Officer is the head of Thana or Upazila Statistics Office. All types of field level data collection, field level census and survey activities are conducted from Thana or Upazila Statistics Office. See more in job paper bd.
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