Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Job Circular 2022
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Job Circular 2022. The history of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute is more than a hundred years old. It started its journey as a small branch under the ‘Bengal Land Records Department’ based on the report of the Feminine Commission of 180. In fact, in this part of the subcontinent (present day Bangladesh) the beginning of agricultural activities at the government level is from here. Although the Department of Agriculture was started in this way, it can be said that there was not much opportunity for research in it. The then Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon, liberated the Department of Agriculture from the Land Record Department and inaugurated it with a special status for the purpose of creating research opportunities. This is the beginning of research activities in agriculture in Bengal at that time. Visit more and more in
The establishment of Dhaka Farm was a significant one in the field of agriculture. But the future of agricultural research became uncertain when the land of Dhaka Farm (now Sher-e-Bangla Nagar) was acquired by the then government in 1962 to establish a second capital. However, in 1986, Dhaka Farm was shifted to 260 hectares of land at Joydebpur, 35 km north of Dhaka. The most significant and significant event in the history of agricultural research is the promulgation of No. 32 in the Presidential Ordinance of 1983. This ordinance provides ample opportunities for development and integrated activities of agricultural research. Following this, the Directorate of Agriculture (Research and Education) was abolished by Presidential Ordinance No. 72 and the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) emerged as an autonomous body. Increase crop production and productivity under Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute.
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute Job Circular 2022
- Qualification: See circular
- Experience: See circular
- Vacancy: See circular
- Deadline: 21 June 2022
- Online apply see circular

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বাংলাদেশ কৃষি গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট জব সার্কুলার ২০২২
So Innovation of high yielding, nutritious and hostile environment tolerant varieties of crops. Now innovation of crop based advanced, modern and sustainable production technology and determination of suitable crop layout. Innovation of environmentally friendly grain storage technology. To preserve and improve soil health. Accelerate agricultural mechanization through innovation and development of suitable agricultural machinery. Innovative technology to reduce post-harvest losses. To carry out socio-economic development of the country through transfer of invented varieties and technologies.
To conduct crop market management survey. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute has been successfully inventing other agricultural technologies including high yielding varieties. BARI has so far developed a total of 1050 technologies including 545 high yielding varieties of different crops and 505 crop production technologies as per the demand of the country’s climate and farmers. In addition, the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute is conserving more than 10,000 kauli resources (germplasm) of pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, fruits etc. through Gene Bank. See more jobs in job paper bd.
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