Bangladesh Shipping Corporation Job Circular 2022 (BSC)
Bangladesh Shipping Corporation Job Circular 2022, Bangladesh Shipping Corporation (BSC) a state-owned enterprise established between Bangladesh and abroad for import and export of food grains, fuel, edible oil, garments, processed food, tea, leather, chemicals and any container products. The company established on February 5, 1982 by order of the President. Ships and water communication are the most affordable and readily available means of importing and exporting goods. On the other hand, Bangladesh has 611 km long sea water. The southern part of Bangladesh is connected to the Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean. As a result, about 90% of our imports and exports go by sea. As a coastal riverine country, Bangladesh its own cargo, container and tanker ships of various sizes. Now visit for more update in
Certification collected from the International Classification Society (GermanShare Lloyd) in this regard. Thus, BSC has to invest a lot of money every year to implement the new international laws and regulations. A large number of engineering cadets are recruited every year as per the demand in the fleet of B.Sc. On the other hand, trained masters and engineers of the company are undergoing deputation training at Marine Academy and National Maritime Institute. Many of them are getting jobs in various foreign shipping companies. Thus BSc is playing a special role in building skilled maritime manpower (officers and sailors) and earning foreign exchange. Under the replacement and expansion program, BSc is working to balance and modernize the national navy.
Bangladesh Shipping Corporation Job Circular 2022
- Qualification: See the circular
- Experience: See the circular
- Salary: See the circular
- Vacancy: See the circular
- Deadline: নিচে দেখুন
- Online apply see below

Online apply
Deadline: 02 March 2022
Online apply
Deadline: 28 February 2022
বাংলাদেশ শিপিং কর্পোরেশন জব সার্কুলার ২০২২
The role of such a fleet in the normal and emergency situation of the country is immense. This issue realized during the war of liberation. Bangladesh Shipping Corporation working towards this goal since its inception. Soon after the establishment of the Shipping Corporation, two sailors named Bengal Doot and Bengal Sampad were added to the BSc. Since then BSc collected a total of 44 ships. However, due to the ship’s normal age and being considered commercially unprofitable, 36 ships sold or scrapped at various stages. At present BSC is carrying the flag of Bangladesh worldwide by sea with a mixed fleet of 08 ships. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Shipping, the ships continued their dynamic activities with the help of the masters, engineers and sailors of the commercial vessels.
The BSc governed by a seven-member board of directors. The chairman of the company is the ex-officio Minister of Shipping. The members of the Board of Directors include the Secretary, Ministry of Shipping; Managing director general monitoring cell Executive Director (Finance); Executive Director (Commerce) Executive Servant (Technology). The head office of BSc is located in Chittagong. Besides, there are two sub offices in Dhaka and Khulna. All BSc offices have two departments related to Commerce and Ship Charter. Two regional offices opened in Singapore and London to facilitate the movement of goods abroad. Ship repair activities supervised by the Department of Ship Maintenance and Repair, as well as the Technology Branch, and the Department of Commerce and Charter Shipping, Public Relations and Personnel.
New BSC Job Circular 2022 Info
The ships of BSc are of international standard. The average age of a ship in BSC fleet is now about 28 years. These ships are extremely difficult and expensive to maintain and comply with the new international maritime rules. The ship repair department of the company is fulfilling this important responsibility. Although the BSc a government-owned institution, its activities spread worldwide and it required to comply with national maritime law as well as all international and in some cases third country maritime law. The main purpose of maritime law is to provide greater protection of life and property and to prevent environmental pollution at sea. Which conducted under the auspices of IMO. The International Safety Management (Code and International Ship and Port Facility Security) codes are on board the BSc. Visit job paper bd.
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