Thai Aluminium Limited Job Circular 2021
Thai aluminium limited job circular 2021 published successful to you. Our goal is to serve our nation to the satisfaction of our customers, shareholders and employees by producing and distributing quality aluminum profiles in a more reliable, competitive and environmentally friendly manner. BD Thai Aluminum Limited’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) includes integrated corporate management, commitment to the balanced interests of partners, creating more employment opportunities for people, conserving forests to maintain ecological balance, and contributing to society in various ways.
Our main concerns are current burning issues in products such as environmental issues, climate change, labor safety and health and human rights. But We have announced the quality parameters of our products and are promoting the concept in our supply chain. Then We are dedicated to ensuring the protection of the interests of all our stakeholders in a balanced way. But We believe in disclosing the necessary information to all concerned. Now For more than three decades our group has always been trying to use our core competencies and manage society in a more socially responsible way. We thank our valued customers for their continued patronage.
Thai Aluminium Limited Job Circular
- Negotiable salary
- Age limit: See picture
- Type of work: Private job
- Job time: Full time
- Deadline: (26 and 22) June 2021
- Online apply see the below

Aluminium Company Recruitment 2021
- Job vacancy: See the post
- End time: 26 June 2021
- Online Apply now
Mr. Mashi traveled extensively to more than 50 countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Canada, India, Singapore, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Egypt. Korea, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Hong Kong, Thailand, Vietnam, Italy, Netherlands etc. for business, training and education. But He received his top executive education at Harvard University in Boston, USA. Besides He represented Bangladesh around the world with a patriotic mind and promoted Bangladesh’s talent on a global platform. At last He is a truly local genius with a global mindset.
So He has served as a keynote speaker and guest speaker at various local and international seminars, universities, FBCCL, DCCL, CCCL, Bhutan Chambers and SEDF. Now He is a member of the prestigious Chittagong Club and Golf Club and is associated with various social platforms. We wish him well in his new career with us and hope that with his truly multinational and multi-local experience and outstanding leadership ability he will take Bangladesh Thai Aluminum Limited to new heights. He is optimistic and will promote Bangladesh Thai Aluminum Limited abroad as a unique Bangladeshi company.
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