Sondhani Life Insurance Company Limited Job Circular 2021
Sondhani life insurance company limited job circular 2021 posted successful to you. Please check out more information about this job in site of Now operates as a life insurance company. Founded in 1990, it is located in Chittagong. SLIC’s core business activities include micro-insurance for the poor, general life policy for the general public, group insurance for corporate, education policy for students, Hajj policy for religious people, etc.
SLIC has been one of the leading life insurance companies in Bangladesh since 1990. SLIC expands its network by setting up agency offices. As a result, as on December 31, 2014, 9.09 lakh policyholders are now in the shadow of Sandhani. SLIC provides life insurance coverage to all people in remote areas as well as the country. SLIC’s core business activities include micro-insurance for the poor, general life policy for the general public, group insurance for corporate, education policy for students, Hajj policy for religious people, etc.
Sondhani Life Insurance Company Limited Job Circular 2021
- Qualification: See the circular
- Experience: See the circular
- Salary: See the circular
- Deadline: 20 August 2021
- Apply process see the below

SLIC Recruitment Job Circular 2021
- Vacancy: See the image
- Last date: 20 August 2021
- Online apply now
To be an efficient service provider, SLIC maintains quality, maximizes returns on investment and increases growth rate. A complete SLIC is a complete package with corporate practices, diverse business profiles and fostered entrepreneurs. We are committed to the principles and practices established by our corporate and social responsibility and business ethics, which enable us to effectively manage our impact on our society and environment. Integrity and Integrity: We believe that only integrated, honest and sincere employees can bring the company to a sustainable position. We are committed to serving our clients and beneficiaries and conducting all business activities in accordance with business principles. Find more jobs on
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