Prottashi NGO Job Circular 2022 New Job

Prottashi ngo job circular 2022 posted for you as the best opportunity. Any organization not established by the government is a non-governmental organization or NGO. However, from the trend of NGO activities in the last three decades to the present form of NGOs, it can be said that NGOs are a kind of non-profit based voluntary social organization engaged in development activities. NGOs include various informal associations, limited liability formal cooperative societies and various registered non-governmental organizations. An idea called development-NGO has also emerged. They carry out various activities for the socio-economic development of the rural and urban poor. Visit more

Many call such an organization a private voluntary development organization or just a voluntary development organization. Their agenda includes various socio-economic development activities including counseling services, legal aid and relief activities. Towards the end of the twentieth century, many developing countries saw a rapid increase in the number of voluntary organizations and the expansion of their activities. This new trend has arisen out of the realization that government activities as well as private initiatives have an important complementary role in social welfare and development activities.

Prottashi NGO Job Circular 2022

In fact Prottashi ngo offers jobs for this person who is perfect for this post. So if you are eligible for this post, you can apply for this job advertisement. Now see the details of this work below.

  • Deadline: 18 November 2022
  • Vacancy: See Circular
  • Online Apply Now See Below

Prottashi NGO Job Circular 2022

Prottashi NGO Career 2022

New Job Circular

Prottashi Circular 2022

Actually In the 1950s, the primary and main activities of NGOs in Bangladesh were relief, rehabilitation and conducting charitable activities. So In the aftermath of World War II, these NGOs began working on new ideas for reconstruction through community development. Now In the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century, NGOs started building credit societies. Besides co-operative societies, etc. and various community-based development projects and placed more emphasis on individual initiatives than collective initiatives for development. Most of the existing NGOs now engaged in agricultural reform and rural development activities. Then Most of them created in the 1960s and they are environmentally friendly with a variety of activities,

It is working on a holistic approach to agriculture, rural development, overall growth and development by coordinating the aggregate issues of foreign aid and loans, infrastructural reforms etc. It understood from the three-tiered NGO movement that they follow their own activities and procedures in the context of the existing situation at different times. Many of the NGOs work as primary and some as secondary institutions. Most of these organizations employ professional officers and employees, but some also employ people on a voluntary basis. Many of the NGOs operating in Bangladesh have their origins in developed countries and their wealth is much higher.

Ngo jobs career in Bangladesh

However, most of the NGOs in the country are local and they are running their activities with limited resources. The three main pillars of the development strategy currently being pursued in Bangladesh are the goal of poverty alleviation. But equitable distribution of benefits and people’s participation in development. Its objectives are to restructure economic and political power, fully integrate all rural areas in national development efforts and activities. Now create more employment and earning opportunities in rural areas. So develop autonomous voluntary democratic organizations of farmers’ associations, cooperative societies and primary producers and rural workers. Visit job paper bd for new jobs.

All the problems in rural areas are so vast and complex that it is almost impossible for the government or any state-owned body to solve them without the full support and participation of the people. This means that active participation of organizations formed by the people is required for the proper implementation of government development initiatives. Commonly known as NGOs, these organizations include various types of cooperative societies, unions, farmers ‘societies, workers’ societies, women’s societies and other non-governmental societies.

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