Petrobangla Job Circular 2023 New Career
Petrobangla Job Circular 2023. Oil and Gas Corporation (BMOGC) formed by Presidential Order No. 26 of March 26, 1972 for the purpose of exploration and development of oil, gas and mineral resources of the country. By order of President No. 120 dated 26 September 1972, another organization called “Bangladesh Mineral Research and Development Corporation” (BMEDC) formed to conduct mineral exploration and development activities in the country. Bangladesh Mineral, Oil and Gas Corporation (BMOGC) reorganized as Bangladesh Oil and Gas Corporation (BOGC) and BOGC was abbreviated as ‘Petrobangla’ by Presidential Order No. 15 of 22 August 1974.
The Oil and Gas Development Corporation (OGDC) was abolished by the Oil and Gas Development Corporation Ordinance, 1961, by Ordinance No. 17 of 1974, and its assets and liabilities were vested in Petrobangla. Visit The newly formed Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation given the responsibility of conducting import, refining and marketing of crude oil and petroleum products through Ordinance No. 8 issued on 13 November 1986. Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources Corporation (BOGMC) formed by merging BOGC and BMEDC through Ordinance No. 21 issued on 11 April 1975.
Subsequently, the Corporation abbreviated as “Petrobangla” by Act No. 11, dated February 11, 1989, in partial amendment of the said Ordinance and empowered to hold shares of companies formed for the purpose of exploration and development of oil, gas and minerals. The country’s leading gas producing company. About 80% of the total gas demand of the country met by BGFCL. BGFCL formed in Karachi on 26 May 1956 as the successor to the Pakistan Shale Oil Company. Petrobangla Job Circular 2023.
Petrobangla Job Circular 2023
- Qualification: See circular
- Experience: See circular
- Salary: See circular
- Vacancy: 90
- Deadline: 18 February 2023

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Application Start- 19 January 2023
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Petrobangla Job Career 2023
After independence, the name of Pakistan Shale Oil Company changed to Bangladesh Shale Oil Company (BSOC) and its activities conducted till early 1962. The BSOC then sold all its shares to the Bangladesh government and the government formed the Bangladesh Gas Fields Company and gave the company the responsibility of operating the two gas fields operated by BSOC – Titas and Habiganj. In 1984, the company given the responsibility of operating the Kamata gas field. Then in 1989 both Bakhrabad and Feni gas fields included under BGFCL. The company commissioned in 1992 to operate two more gas fields – Meghna and Narsingdi. Petrobangla Job Circular 2023. Bangladesh Minerals.
পেট্রোবাংলা নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২৩
\At present Bangladesh Gas Fields Company Limited operates 8 gas fields. Among these gas fields, gas extracted from Titas, Bakhrabad, Habiganj, Narsingdi and Meghna gas fields. Gas production from Kamata and Feni gas fields declared abandoned. Although the main function of BGFCL is to produce natural gas and supply it through pipes, it also conducts activities such as drilling, operating, managing etc. for the development of various gas fields and adjusting production capacity to meet the growing demand for gas and liquid hydrocarbons in the country. At present, BGFCL’s condensate production averages 472 billion barrels per day. Visit chakrir kbr.
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