Labaid Group of Company Job Circular 2022
Labaid group of company job circular 2022 all company job circular. See the details of this job in the site of. Laboid is a business trend setter in Bangladesh. Our goal is always to excel through innovation. So we are highly committed to the society we serve. But we do this by striving to excel through innovation, honesty and unwavering relationships. Now we believe that our sacred duty is to repay the debt of the soil that gave birth to us. Then we are always value-driven. These values continue to indicate the growth of the Labaid group. Our commitment to our values and codes of conduct is the foundation on which all our business activities are based.
Our commitment to our people has made us successful, we believe our people are our greatest asset. We have a highly motivated, experienced and hardworking team of different backgrounds and experiences. As a responsible corporate citizen, we have the highest level of commitment to environmental and safety regulations. We believe that our efforts are making the most meaningful difference for the people and the country.
Labaid Group of Company Job Circular 2022
- Deadline: 19 To 20 August 2022
- Vacancy: See the circular
- Apply form see the below

Labaid Recruitment Circular 2022
- Deadline: 20 August 2022
- Vacancy: See the circular
- Online Apply Now
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Laboid determines the trend of business sector in Bangladesh. Today Laboid is one of the leading companies in the country in the fields of healthcare, medicine, finance, education, agriculture etc. 20-25 years ago there was no comprehensive medical facility in the country. It was very difficult to diagnose distressed patients from remote areas of Bangladesh. Check out more jobs on job paper bd.
The lack of quality treatment and the suffering of the patients inspired the visionary leader Dr AAM Shamim to set a new trend in the treatment of Bangladeshi patients. Consequently Laboid Diagnostics was established with the belief that a cure is the result of an accurate diagnosis. Back then there was not much of an option for cardiac treatment other than going to a neighboring country. Laboid Cardiac Hospital has opened new horizons of cardiac treatment for Bangladeshi patients.
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