Jute Research Institute circular 2022 (BJRI)
jute Research Institute Circular 2022 published foe you recently. Besides in our country, this organization does different kinds of work with jute institute. Then it is responsible for the production of jute, development of jute industry, regulation of jute market, as well as expansion of jute in the country. Even the Jute Research Institute is a good institution in our country. The value of the work here is also considerable. So those of you interested can apply for this job. The quality of the job is also good enough. You can apply in different categories.
Now Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) is one of the oldest research institutes in the country. In 1904, Sir R.S. The first jute research was started in Dhaka under the leadership. Subsequently, in 1938, under the Indian Central Jute Committee (ICJC) works well. Then jute research started in Dhaka with the establishment of Jute Agricultural Research Laboratory. The Pakistan Central Jute Committee (PCJC) formed in 1951 to replace the Indian Central Jute Committee (ICJC). So the Jute Research Institute established at its present location.
After the independence of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI) established by an act in 1974. Then BJRI is currently conducting research activities in three streams. Research on jute agriculture i.e. development of high yielding varieties of jute and jute fiber crops. But production management and seed production and conservation is Research on technical and value-added versatile. New jute products and quality improvement of conventional jute products Research and marketing management. So jute textiles i.e. jute and cotton and other natural and synthetic fibers. Visit more and more in en.bdjobsedu.com.
Jute Research Institute circular 2022
Bangladesh Jute Research Institute will temporarily appoint the following permanent posts under the revenue sector. Applications are invited from eligible permanent citizens of Bangladesh on the following conditions.
- Number of posts : See the notification
- Salary : See the notice
- Qualifications : See below
- Type of work : Full time
- Apply here : bjri.teletalk.com.bd

Application deadline: 09 may 2021
Now establishment of research centers, pilot projects and farms in different parts of the country for the research on various issues related to jute and its fiber products, jute products and accessories. So of cultivation of jute and its class fiber crops and to organize training of manpower related to jute industry on technical research technology related to jute. Then to organize training of jute related officers, employees and jute growers on improved methods.
BJRI Job Circular 2022
At present, BJRI has 6 departments in agricultural research, 4 in technical research, 1 in jute textile research and a total of 12 departments including planning sector. There are also Central Agricultural Jute Testing Station at Manikganj and four Regional Jute Research Centers at Rangpur, Faridpur, Kishoreganj, Chandina (Comilla), Tarabo (Narayanganj). There are three jute research sub-centers and one jute seed production and research center at Nashipur (Dinajpur).
It may mentioned that BJRI has a gene bank for conservation of domestic and foreign seeds of jute. Then kenaf and mesta crops and for use in research work on improved varieties. The Gene Bank has about 7,000 germplasms of jute and similar fiber crops collected from different parts of the world. So recently funded by the BJRI’s “Basic and Applied Research on Jute” project, a new horizon has opened. Which has taken Bangladesh to a unique height in the world by unveiling the genome sequences of Desi and Tosha Jute and Dhaincha using biotechnology.
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