JSC Board Challenge | JSC and JDC Rescrutiny
JSC and JDC Exam results rescrutiny is very easily. JSC and JDC Exam result was released on December 31, 2019. After the results of the examination, those who are not evil can apply for a board challenge. If you read this article thoroughly, then you can apply for the rescrutiny yourself. We all might not know what a board challenge is. First we will take an idea of what is JSC board challenge or JSC re scrutiny.
About JSC Board Challenge
The candidates who thought I had better results than this. They challenge the board to apply for a board challenge, which is to review the results. PSC, SSC and HSC like this JSC exam can be done in rescrutiny. Board challenge is called as a re-scrutiny. The main thing is to count the numbers and correct them if there is a problem with the numbers.
JSC and JDC Rescrutiny Prosess
- A mobile phone will be required
- A teletalk prepaid SIM card
- And have a balance of 125 TK

You can apply for board challenge of your results by using your own mobile at home. There is no need to go on board for the JSC and JDC Result Challenge. You can easily apply at home. Only results can be re-scrutiny from teletalk operators. If you do not have a SIM, you can apply from someone else’s SIM. No need to go to the computer shop anymore to board result challenge.
Mobile must have enough money. For each subject, you will deduct from the balance of mobile at the rate of TK 125. For example, if you have two papers on a topic, Bangla and English will be considered as applications for those subjects rather than one subject. In this case, you will be deducted from your balance 250. A mobile number should be given at the time of application. You can give this number to any operator.
Challenge the JSC and JDC through SMS
First go to the message option on your mobile. Write RSC space first three letter of board name space roll number space subject code.
For example: RSC Dha 126600 101
Then send the message to 16222. If you have more than one subject, write it down with a comma. You must separate the subject codes.
For example: RSC Dha 126600 101,102
A charge of 125 TK will be charged for each subject. On return SMS you will receive a PIN number. In this case you have to go to the message option again RSC space Yes space pin number space mobile number. Then send the number 16222 again.
For example: RSC Yes 54123 01825XXXXXX
You will then receive a successful message. Here you must give a real mobile number. Later, you can contact this number from the board. Also you can get the result of the update. Make sure you use the correct number. If you follow the instructions above correctly. Then the JSC and JDC rescrutiny 2019 can properly apply.
Deadline for application
This process basically lasts from one day to one week after the release of the JSC and JDC rescrutiny exam results. The JSC and JDC exam 2019 board can be challenged from 01/01/2020 to 07/01/2020. Must apply before 12.00 pm on the 7th days. If you are not satisfied with this result, please apply now without delay.
JSC Rescrutiny Result 2019
If your result changes if the number you use during the application will be given a message. Also, you can download the results in PDF form separately from the official website of Education Board. You can also find the results of the JSC Board Challenge through our site. You can also like PSC Board Challenge System 2020 | PSC Rescrutiny Result.
JSC and JDC Related-
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