IFIC Bank Limited Job Circular 2022 Best Career
IFIC bank limited job circular 2022 published successful to you as agrest opportunity. So Stay with for new jods. International Finance Investment and Commerce (IFIC) Bank Limited was formed in 1987 by the Government of Bangladesh and a private entrepreneur. When the government started leaving the bank to the private sector in 1983, IFIC Bank went completely to the private sector. At present, 32.75% shares in the bank belong to the government and the rest to directors, entrepreneurs and the general public. IFIC Bank Limited is a private commercial bank in Bangladesh. It started its journey in 1986. en.bdjobsedu.com
IFIC Bank plans to set up a subsidiary to provide low cost quality financial services to the first generation private commercial banks, especially the rural people. Our banks mainly focus on corporate banking or commercial financing. We want to build a rural network now, ”said Shah A Sarwar, managing director of the bank. If licensed by the government, the proposed company will serve as an alternative delivery channel and SME center in rural areas as part of its inclusive banking plan.
Sarwar said in a recent interview with the Daily Star that the bank also plans to launch mobile banking services next month. Our goal is to reach rural areas, ”Sarwar said. “However, this may not always be a ‘brick and mortar’ model or the physical presence of buildings and other structures.”
IFIC Bank Limited Job Circular 2022
IFIC bank gives you some opportunity in the notification. They want some qualified people to join their sector. So see the details of this work regularly on our site below properly.
- Eligibility: See notification
- Salary: See circular
- Type of work: Personal job
- Age limit: See picture
- Online apply see below

Online application Application deadline: 31 December 2022
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IFIC Bank Limited Job Apply 2022
A bank needs to have at least 400 branches to achieve sustainable growth, said Sarwar, who has a master’s degree in economics from Dhaka University and an MBA from Victoria University in Australia. Now The bank plans to add at least 25 new branches to its existing 110 next year. Then It also aims to create at least 10,000 agents in rural areas over the next few years, he said. But Sarwar said the proposed subsidiary would also create employment opportunities for those who have passed secondary and higher secondary school examinations as it has been neglected in the job market. To get more jobs visit chakrir kbr com.
IFIC Bank Limited Career 2022
These individuals will have the opportunity to work as field supervisors and officers, he said. So Sarwar, who joined the bank in December last year, said the banking sector is now going through some challenges due to an unstable political situation and several banking scandals. Now We must further strengthen the administration so that we can move forward smoothly in times of uncertainty. But Over the past 30 years, Sarwar’s career has evolved around general management, client coverage, risk management, management and IT management.
He held various senior management positions in multinational and private commercial banks. He was the Managing Director of Trust Bank Limited, Premier Bank Limited and Bangladesh Limited’s Industrial Development and Development Corporation. Besides Despite several challenges, IFIC did a good business in the third quarter of this year, he added. Crores of rupees. He said the bank ranks seventh among all banks in terms of net profit.
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