Gram Bikash Kendra Job Circular 2021 | Salary (27832-68581)

Gram bikash kendra job circular 2021 published in this site for you. Palli Bikash Kendra (PBK) is a non-governmental organization (NGO), found in 1989. Its goal is to improve the socio-economic status of the rural poor, especially women and children, and to increase their ability to control their own lives. PBK wants to see TIS beneficiaries as masters of their own resources. PBK provides a variety of on-demand services to various groups of vulnerable people that are financially inclusive as well as socially inclusive. Financial inclusion includes microfinance, micro-enterprise development and renewable energy. Sanitation and safe drinking water, gender equality, women empowerment etc. Apply by looking at the recruitment notice of Palli Bikash Kendra to get the job.

Gram bikash kendra recruitment circular 2021. The philosophy of building a prosperous and prosperous society free from poverty. The mission is to ensure basic socio-economic standards for the poor people of its working region through its active participation and leadership. The goal is to alleviate poverty in its functional areas. PBK is committed to sustainable livelihoods for the poor and supports, promotes and implements poverty-focused microfinance, micro-entrepreneurship and other social development programs. Since its inception, PBK has been implementing various programs and projects to achieve this goal. Over time, PBK has created socio-economic baseline data to understand their problems as well as the impact of development programs and projects.

Gram Bikash Kendra Job Circular

Now Gram bikash kendra has given you some job opportunities in the circular. Then they want some qualified people to join their sector. So check out the details of this work regularly on our site below properly.

  • Qualification: See circular
  • salary: Negotiable
  • Age limit: See picture
  • Type of work: Private job

Gram Bikash Kendra Job Circular 2021

Application deadline: 10 June 2021

GBK Recruitment Circular 2021

The Social Development Program (SDP) is an important division of the PBK, which is implementing various social development projects for the empowerment and livelihood of the people of Haor who are facing free poverty and extremely poor communities in Bangladesh. SDP is playing an important role in the development of targets. There are different needs and wants based on social context, skills, abilities, access to financial resources. Visit for more jobs.

Financial inclusion also provides guidance to clients’ financial literacy so that they can use their borrowed money appropriately and constructively to ensure that all people are deprived of commercial banks and other formal financial institutions and ensure a variety of products based on demand for different segments of the poor. Can improve the quality of life. It is implementing two types of development activities like economic and social development.

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