Fire Service Job Circular 2021 | Deffence Job Circular
Fire service job circular 2021 published for you as a good job. So know more info in site of, The then British government established the Fire Service in undivided India in 1939-40. At the time of partition, the Calcutta Fire Service created for the city of Calcutta at the regional level and the Bengal Fire Service for undivided Bengal. In 1947, the name of the fire service in the region changed to East Pakistan Fire Service. On April 9, 1971, the then Fire Service Directorate and the Civil Defense Department merged to form the Fire Service and the Civil Defense Department.
The rescue department later incorporated into the fire service and civil defense departments. FSCD currently 40 years old. Apply by looking at the Service Recruitment Circular 2021. About 42,000 trained volunteers already created. The process of collecting rescue equipment for them also taken up. About 700 volunteers have been trained to put out fires in the slums. Volunteers interested in working as divers in naval accidents given diving training. This service organization is gradually enriching modern equipment.
Fire Service Job Circular 2021
- Qualification: See the circular
- Experience: See the circular
- Salary: See the image

Application deadline: 31 August 2021
Fire Service Recruitment 2021
In order to improve the quality of training, initiatives taken to transform the existing training complex into a modern training academy and relocate it on a large scale. A burn treatment hospital set up for this department. New fire station construction activities implemented through various projects. Regular training and inspection activities and advice given in government and private offices, educational institutions and industrial factories to strengthen the fire prevention system. Fire license fair held for the convenience of traders and owners of industrial establishments. These initiatives a constant effort to move the department forward on the path to success. Find more jobs on
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