Coast Foundation Job Circular 2022 New NGO
Coast Foundation Job Circular 2022. We fight for a world of justice and fairness where human rights and democracy are social culture. COAST organizes strategically important activities related to development which, in turn, will facilitate the sustainable and equitable improvement of the livelihoods of women, children and disadvantaged people in the coastal areas of Bangladesh through their increased socio-economic, cultural and civic participation. Country life. COAST values relate to work methods, learning attitudes, human potential, economy, respect, culture, community organization, governance, accountability, participation, gender, transparency, information technology and biodiversity. Coast ( has emerged as an NGO from a ten-year-old project of an international NGO since the beginning of 1998. It was a project in the southern part of Bhola Island, that is, at the mouth of Bhola Island. Visit
The Bay of Bengal is one of the most dangerous cyclonic regions in the world. Where the world’s strongest river Ganja and the confluence of the Brahmaputra meet. During 1994-1997 it was a laborious process of nationalization, mainly reducing overhead costs and increasing coverage to increase capacity, empowering beneficiaries to change their role as active partners in development initiatives and eventually forming boards to ensure localization. Responsibility. It has a set of values related to the way it works – poor existence, experiential learning, working learning, equality of human potential, economy in personal and organizational behavior, respect for one’s own culture, gender equality, right to participate in decision making. , Communication, relationships and accountability, people’s organizations, governance and the environment and diversity. Coast Foundation Job Circular 2022 image below.
Coast Foundation Job Circular 2022
- Qualification: See circular
- Experience: See circular
- Vacancy: See circular
- Deadline: নিচে দেখুন

জীবন বৃত্তান্ত ফর্ম ডাউনলোড করুন এখানে
শেষ তারিখঃ ০৩ মার্চ ২০২২
কোস্ট ফাউন্ডেশন নিয়োগ বিজ্ঞপ্তি ২০২২
These were prepared during the period 1998-99. It is registered by the NGO Affairs Bureau of the Prime Minister’s Office, Government of Bangladesh (No. 1242). It has received registration (No. 00956-04041-00068) from the Microcredit Regulatory Authority, Bangladesh Central Bank. COAST is also a certified body by the Humanitarian Accountability Partnership (HAP) International. Stakeholder Participation: One of the first NGOs to adopt ‘Right to Information’, program-based desktop newsletter publishes monthly grievance redressal mechanism, including whistleblowing policy, Complaint box in all offices Transparent: All meeting minutes, policies and circulars are available on the website Quality Control: Individual Internal Audit and MEAL Section Analysis and Update with Objective-Based Programs and Advocacy Needs Technology:
Using Software Based Meeting Systems Using Zoom, GotMeeting, etc. Quickly adapted: more than 100 sessions for workers to fight Covid-19, disinfection process in all offices Emergency funding: own funds, medical facilities for workers responding quickly to any disaster at work, providing all costs of COVID19 treatment to infected workers. Program Core programs (including microfinance income, microcredit, primary health care, community organizations, disaster response funds, community radio) Non-core programs (including donor grants, development programs, donor partnerships) Democracy and CSO Building Advocacy Local, National and Stage (with EquityBD, Climate Justice, Tax Justice, Discrimination, Assistance / Development Effectiveness, CSO as a 3rd Sector) Localization Campaign (BD CSO Process) Peace Building with Rohingya Refugees. See more jobs in job paper bd.
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