Bkash Limited Job Circular 2023
Bkash limited job circular 2023 posted successful to you. So see information for this job site. BKash is Bangladesh’s leading mobile phone based money transfer (MFS) service provider. It is the largest financial institution in Bangladesh. It was launched to provide financial services to people without bank accounts. Customers can avail services like cash deposit, cash withdrawal, remittance, money addition, remittance, mobile recharge, payment and billing by dialing * 246 # and using bKash app. To open a bKash account, a customer has to fill up the prescribed Customer Registration Form (KYC) with complete information.
BKash en.bdjobsedu.com was started in 2011 as a joint venture between Money in Motion LLC of America and BRAC Bank Limited, Bangladesh. In April 2013, a member of the World Bank Group, International Finance Corporation (IFC) became a fair development partner and in March 2014, Bill and Melinda Gates became investors in the Foundation. In April 2016, Alipaba, a subsidiary of Alibaba Group of China, became an equity partner in Ant Financial Development, a financial institution. BKash acts as a partner of BRAC Bank Limited and assists other banks and finance institutions.
Bkash Limited Job Circular 2023
- Qualification: See the circular
- Salary: See the circular
- Experience: See the circular
- Deadline: 14 January 2023
- Apply online see the below

Bkash Company Apply 2023
- Vacancy: See the image
- Last date: 21 December 2022
- Apply online now
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Bkash Career in Bangladesh
Fortune Magazine ranked Bikash 23rd among the top 50 companies in their “Change the World” list in 2016. Asiamani named Bikash as the best digital bank of 2018, and the World HRD Congress declared it as the best employee in Asia in 2017. Bikash awarded “Best Brand Award 2019” by Bangladesh Brand Forum among all brands as well as MFS Brands category. There are a large number of mobile phone users in Bangladesh. Extensive mobile network across the country can play an important role. So fast and efficient means to reach banking services to most of the people in the country. Check out more jobs on chakrir kbr.
This is the origin of development services in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh, as in other developing countries, people move to the cities for work to support their families in the villages. The need to create a system to send money home in a simple and convenient way for such workers serves as one of the basic ideas behind the “development” innovation. Through this it will be possible to provide a wide range of financial services to the people of Bangladesh. In particular, low-income people involved in economic activities by providing convenient, affordable, and reliable services.
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