Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute Job Circular 2021
Bangladesh sugarcrop research institute job circular 2021 posted recently for you. Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute (BSRI) or BSRI is an autonomous national research institute that conducts research on sugarcane and other plants. It located in Ishwardi upazila of Pabna. It falls under the Ministry of Agriculture. In 1931, a sugarcane sapling testing center established in Arcaka. In 1953, it converted into a sugarcane research center and placed under the Department of Agriculture. Bangladesh Sugar and Food Industries Corporation appointed in charge of this institute in 1973. In 1996, the Bangladesh Sugarcane Research Institute made an autonomous institution by the Parliament. It supports the cultivation of dates and sugarcane.
Sugarcane or Sugarcane Shakharam, refers to various species and hybrids of tall perennial grasses of the genus Andropogoneae which used in sugar production. Plants 2-6 m long stout, attached, fibrous stalks rich in sucrose, which stems accumulate at the internodes. Sugarcane is a family of grasses, Posia, an economically important flowering plant family, which includes corn, wheat, rice, and jaggery, and abundant grass crops. It is native to the warm, temperate regions of India, Southeast Asia, and New Guinea. The plant also grown for biofuel production, especially in Brazil, because cane used directly to produce ethyl alcohol (ethanol).
Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute Job Circular
Now BSRI has given you some job opportunities in the circular. Then they want some qualified people to join their sector. So check out the details of this work regularly on our site below properly.
- Qualification: See circular
- salary: Negotiable
- Age limit: See picture
- Type of work: Private job
- Online apply see the below

Online apply now
Application deadline: 02 July 2021
BSRI Recruitment Circular 2021
So the first sugarcane research activity in the subcontinent started in 1912 with the establishment of ‘Sugarcane Breeding Center’ in Coimbatore. India and it started in Bangladesh in 1933. Then the history of that evolution of BSRI briefly mentioned here: Seedling Testing Laboratory set up at Manipuri Farm, Dhaka in 1933 to collect the actual fuzz of sugarcane from Coimbatore Sugarcane Breeding Center and select suitable varieties for the area. Now the laboratory funded by the then British Royal Imperial Council of Agriculture and operational until 1947. Some sugarcane varieties like Co 419, Co 526 etc. selected from this laboratory still being cultivated in different areas of Bangladesh.
In 1951, the then Ministry of Agriculture of the East Pakistan government set up a ‘Sugarcane Research Center’ at Ishwardi in Pabna district with a manpower of only 16 people. But at that time the activities of the center limited only to sugarcane breeding and variety selection. Besides line sugarcane varieties developed from this center. which Ishwardi 1/53 and Ishwardi 2/54 are still being cultivated in different parts of the country. So in order to further develop the sugarcane research center. The then Food and Agriculture Council of the Government of Pakistan placed the center under the control of the Central Government. But in 1975, without any significant improvement, the center returned to the Ministry of Agriculture in the provincial government. As a result, research activities conducted with limited manpower and research facilities. The center almost destroyed in the 1971 war of independence.
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