Bangladesh Standards And Testing Institution Job Circular 2021
Bangladesh Standards And Testing Institution Job Circular 2021. So The Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Ordinance, 37 of 1985 enacted by the Government of Bangladesh in 1975 to merge the Central Testing Laboratory (CTL) and the Bangladesh Standards Institution (BDSI). Now BSTI) established. Later, in 1995, the Department of Agricultural Grading and Marking under the Ministry of Commerce merged with BSTI. But Assist in national and international trade by upgrading services to international / regional standards to ensure quality, quantity and quality of goods and services and to protect the interests of service recipients.
Then The Mann Wing sets national standards for products through the five departments of Agriculture and Food, Jute and Textiles, Electrical and Electronics, Chemistry and Engineering, with a focus on the country’s socio-economic technology, technical knowledge and export trade. In deed 72 branch committees / technical committees under 8 divisional committees engaged in formulating national standards. But BSTI became an ISO member in 1984. Certification marks used to control the quality of products and ensure quality. Now The Wing is also responsible for quality control and quality improvement of the products produced. Then These activities implemented in both voluntary and compulsory manner.
Bangladesh Standards And Testing Institution Job Circular
This BSTI gives some opportunities with the notification. They want some qualified people to join their sector. So see the details of this work regularly on our site below properly.
- Eligibility: See notification
- Negotiable salary
- Age limit: In the picture
- Working hours: Full time
- Deadline: 05 July 2021
- Online apply see the below

Online apply here
Application deadline: 05 July 2021
BSTI recruitment Circular 2021
So far, 18 products brought under compulsory certification marks by the government through gazette. Then Marketing of these products without the use of quality certificates or quality symbols is a legally punishable and punishable offense. But In order to ensure the quality of the product, the quality of various products checked through random inspection of the market. Besides Apart from this, activities carried out to identify counterfeit / adulterated products and stop production / import and marketing of substandard products through regular mobile court operations.
In order to protect the general public / consumers from confusion and harassment, a rule titled. In deed “Bangladesh Standard Weights and Measures (Commodity Packaging) Rules, 2006” enacted to ensure proper control over all packaged products. So According to the said rules, it made mandatory to accurately record the product packaging. Actual weight, date of manufacture, expiry date, retail price, etc. of the product packaging. Now The Citizen’s Charter drafted to make BSTI’s service activities more transparent and expeditious. There is a time limit for performing BSTI services and what is the fee to be paid for these services. At last The Citizen Charter inserted on the BSTI website for the public.
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