Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization Job Circular 2022
Space research and remote sensing organization job circular 2022 posted successful to you as a good job. See more info in. SPARSO (Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization-SPARRSO) is a space research and remote sensing organization. It is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Defense of the Government of Bangladesh, which is involved in the study of space science and remote sensing technology in the country. A board of directors manages Sparso. A chairman elected from the ministry serves as the chief executive of this council. Bangladesh entered the world of space technology in 1986 with the installation of an Automatic Picture Transmission (APT) ground station on the campus of the Atomic Energy Center, Dhaka.
The actual weather images were obtained directly from the weather satellite through this ground station. Later in 1982, the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission set up the Space and Atmospheric Research Center (SARC) and brought the APT ground station under its purview. After the advent of Earth Resource Technology Satellite-ERTS, Bangladesh adopted a program called ERTS Program in 1973. When ERTS was later renamed as Landsat Satellite, the ERTS program in Bangladesh was also renamed as Bangladesh Landsat Satellite Program-BLP. An executive order in 1980 merged both SARC and BLP to establish Sparso.
Space Research and Remote Sensing Organization Job Circular 2022
- Qualification: See the circular
- Experience: See the circular
- Salary: See the circular
- Vacancy: 30

Online Apply Form
End date: 24 February 2022
SPARRSO Recruitment Circular 2022
The main activities of Sparso are: (1) the use of space and remote sensing technology for surveying the country’s natural resources and monitoring the environment and natural disasters; (Ii) to operate and maintain satellite ground receiving stations as a center for the development of manpower and mechanical facilities for the collection of satellite and aerial data available in various sectors of the national economy and for the general and computer-based analysis of the data obtained; (3) to play a role as a center for conducting space and remote sensing activities in the country and to provide necessary information and data to the government in formulating national, regional and international policies on space science and remote sensing technology and to use such data for sustainable development. Now follow chakrir kbr com.
To work for enhanced regional and international cooperation to ensure peaceful use of space science and technology. The total manpower of Sparso is 190 including scientists, technicians and other general officials. Sparso has its own technical, trained manpower and other necessary facilities for processing. Besides adapting, storing and using Aerial Photographs and Satellite Data. The institute has advanced technology meteorological satellite ground station for taking high and low resolution imagery. But NOAA satellite of the United States and Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS) of Japan. AMSGS). Satellite data used to provide daily weather forecasts, agro-climatic environmental monitoring and water resources surveys. Sparso has its own state-of-the-art digital image processing system for perfect adaptation of meteorological and natural resource satellite data.
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