Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Job Circular 2022 | BRRI
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Job Circular 2022. Here bangladesh Rice Research Institute Recruitment Circular 2022 has been published. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute is an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Agriculture of Bangladesh, which started functioning as the East Pakistan Rice Research Institute on 1 October 1970. After independence it was renamed as Bangladesh Rice Research Institute. It established under the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Act, 1973. The company is constantly trying to innovate new rice in keeping with the food demand. This institute is also known as BRRI or Bangladesh Rice Research Institute for short. The company headquartered at Joydebpur in Gazipur district, 36 km north of Dhaka district. The company has 9 regional centers across the country. The centers are located in Comilla, Habiganj, Sonagazi, Faridpur, Barisal, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Kushtia and Satkhira.
A major component of agricultural research in Bangladesh is the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, which is working on the production and development of major rice varieties in the country. After independence in 1971, the name of the institute was changed to Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, which established under the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Act, 1973. The Institute governed by a Management Board in accordance with the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (Amendment) Act, 1996 and BRI. Law, 2018. The director general is the chairman of the board, who is the chief executive of the company. The Institute has 19 research departments, 11 regional offices, three general services and eight administrative branches. It has a total manpower of 306 scientists / agricultural engineers / officers and 6 people.
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Job Circular 2022
- Salary: 25,000/- TK
- Vacancy: See the circular
- Deadline: 31 August 2022

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BRRI Job Recruitment 2022
There is diversity in rice production in the environment of Bangladesh. The northwestern part of the country prone to drought, the central part is prone to floods and the coastal south known to be saline. According to the diversity, the three major agricultural zones divided mainly on the basis of land, soil, climate and climate variability. This diversity is a challenge for Brie scientists in rice production. Researchers and other manufacturing engineers are working at Brie headquarters to address this challenge. For this purpose regional offices have set up in Comilla, Habiganj, Sonagazi of Feni, Bhanga of Faridpur, Barisal, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Kushtia, Satkhira, Sirajganj and Gopalganj.
This institute has all the facilities of modern research. There are laboratories, greenhouses and testing grounds. Brie has a state-of-the-art germplasm bank, 20 complex laboratories, ten greenhouses, ten net houses and a 6.73 acre testing ground (headquarters). In addition, regional offices have modern research facilities, especially for field research at the newly established centers in Sirajganj and Gopalganj. See more jobs in chakrir kbr.
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