Bangladesh Press Council Job Circular 2021 | BPC Job

Bangladesh press council job circular 2021 published successful to you. Keep eyes on Now this is a quasi-judicial body in Bangladesh that regulates the freedom of the press and freedom of speech in Bangladesh under the Bangladesh Press Council Act. It is headquartered in Dhaka. Although the Bangladesh Press Council Act was passed in 1974, the Bangladesh Press Council established on 16 August 1989. In 2016, the Bangladesh Law Commission recommended that the Press Council be given the power to temporarily close any newspaper. The Bangladesh Press Council established to maintain and revise the standards of newspapers and news organizations, and to preserve and protect the freedom of the press. Apply by looking at BPC Recruitment Circular 2021.

The Bangladesh Press Council established in 1979 to maintain and revise the standards of newspapers and news organizations and to preserve and protect the freedom of the press. The Council is a co-judicial body. The Council settles complaints against newspapers or news organizations under Section 12 of the Press Council Act, 1974. In addition, the Appellate Division disposed of the appeal against the failure to cancel the issue and the declaration under Section 9 of the Printing Press. And the Publications (Declaration and Registration) Act, 1983, respectively. The council a chairman and fourteen members for two years.

Bangladesh Press Council Job Circular

The BPC gives some opportunities with the notification. They want some qualified people to join their sector. So see the details of this work regularly on our site below properly.

  • Eligibility: See notification
  • Negotiable salary
  • Age limit: In the picture

Bangladesh Press Council Job Circular 2021

Online apply here
Application deadline: 12 August 2021

BPC Recruitment Circular 2021

The purpose of the council is to protect the freedom of the press. So maintain and improve the quality of newspapers and news organizations in Bangladesh. The Council may, in pursuance of its objectives, perform the following functions, namely, to assist newspapers and news organizations in maintaining their independence, to establish high professional standards for newspapers and news organizations, and to maintain a high standard of public interest for newspapers and news organizations and journalists. And to continue to review any developments that may limit the supply and dissemination of information related to the public interest and importance in the profession of journalism, which develops a proper sense of both the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and encourages a sense of responsibility and public service among all. You can get more job news from

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