Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation Job Circular 2022
Bangladesh petroleum corporation job circular 2022 published successful to you. Check out more of our work news from. Established by Presidential Ordinance for import and distribution of crude oil, fuel, lubricating oil and petroleum products in Bangladesh. It is managed by the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources. As of 2009, the annual import of Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation was about 29 million barrels. In the financial year, it has earned more than 90 billion rupees. This Petroleum Corporation, the state-owned airline, has decided not to sell Biman oil because the airlines owed Rs 16 billion in December. Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation sought permission from the government to set oil prices using a new formula that would automatically adjust prices in the international market.
Bangladesh petroleum corporation job circular 2022, In 2020, the Government of Bangladesh amended the law to allow state-owned entities to deposit surplus or inactive funds in the national treasury. Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation has deposited Rs 50 billion in the national treasury. Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation has decided to use private oil tanks to store oil as its own tanks were close to full capacity in 2020. This was as a result of declining sales percentage after lockdown during the COVD-19 epidemic in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation Job Circular 2022
Now a days Bangladesh petroleum corporation job is the most popular job in our country. Now Bangladesh petroleum corporation offers you some vacancy of job in recently. So all information of this job we posted. See the below by categories.
- Qualification: See the circular
- Salary: See the circular
- Deadline: 31 October 2022
- Online Apply see below

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BPC Recruitment Circular 2022
Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) is a government body under the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources engaged in overseeing all activities related to import, stockpiling, marketing and distribution of petroleum products in the country. Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation (BPC) has been established by the Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation Ordinance, 198. BPC is governed by the Bangladesh Petroleum Act, 1984, Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation Ordinance 198 and Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation Rules, 198. BPC started its activities on January 1, 1986. Find more jobs job paper bd.
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