Bangladesh Medical Research Council Job Circular 2022
Bangladesh Medical Research Council Job Circular 2022 Bangladesh Medical Research Council is an autonomous body established in 1982 under the direction of the President under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare as a hub for health and medical research. It was established to identify problems and issues related to medicine and health sciences. In addition, one of the goals of this organization is to identify priority areas for research based on the needs, objectives, policies and norms of healthcare. This council has a general committee of 54 members. It has members representing medical colleges, universities, medical institutions, health related organizations and various branches and departments of the ministry involved in medical, education, services and research activities. An executive committee is elected from among the members of the general committee headed by the president. Visit
The main activities of the council include: developing and organizing scientific research systems in various branches of health sciences; Provide training to public health workers and publish research results. Other functions of the council include: identifying issues and problems related to medical and healthcare needs; Develop and organize scientific research on the need for primary health care in various branches of public health, reproductive health and nutrition; To build skilled manpower in the field of health research through training programs and workshops and to make arrangements for proper application and utilization of medical research results. The council provides grants for various fields of medical research. It is also the responsibility of the council to increase efficiency in healthcare through the implementation of various Bangladesh Medical Research Council Job Circular 2022 image see below.
Bangladesh Medical Research Council Job Circular 2022
- Qualification: See circular
- Experience: See circular
- Salary: See circular
- Deadline: See below

Deadline: 14 February 2022
বাংলাদেশ চিকিৎসা গবেষণা পরিষদ জব সার্কুলার ২০২২
The council has set up a community health research center in Tangail. The center set up to improve research activities and community-based research related to Health System Research (HSR) at the primary and secondary levels of the medical care system. The Bangladesh Medical Research Council also organizes training courses, workshops and seminars and publishes three bulletins a year. Releases health and medical communication and research information twice a year. Newsletter twice a year and Current Awareness Service once a year. Articles published in the Bulletin of the Bangladesh Medical Research Council regularly listed in Index medicus and Biological Abstracts. Bangladesh Medical Research Council has published a Bibliography of Research Results in 1995 with 1,7 research summaries. Has done. The headquarters of this council is located at Mohakhali, Dhaka. job paper bd.
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